‘And the sky had never looked so blue.’
Write a poem, ending with this line, which focuses on hope and positivity.
A Sky So Blue
The truth can be complicated
The smiles and the laughs
Are they genuine or fabricated?
Or am I just being daft?
Everyone constantly judges
They’ll have secret misinterpretations
They will hold onto a grudge
When you had the best intentions
Hating you for what you said
When they don’t let it show
Fake niceness filling you with dread
Suddenly you really don’t know
Are they a true friend or not?
Am I foolish to tell them my heart?
Maybe I should just stop
Before I get torn apart
Careful on every word, every sentence
Careful not to get bitten in the back
Never feeling any acceptance
Wary of any possible attack
It hurts until you feel all alone
Even when you’re surrounded
You’re tired down to the bone
And you think of all the ‘what ifs’
What if it wasn’t this way?
What if we just said something
When we take offense, they simply change
And it’s not ever unbecoming
What if we could just trust our friends?
Holding my true self and only wanting that
No need to analyze again and again
They’ll listen and they’ll understand
What if we hoped for each other?
And we let the genuine truth shine through?
We told when we didn’t like something
And the sky would look so blue
The clouds would disappear
The whole world would be lit anew
With no need to fear
And the sun would light all for you
Because you’re right here
Because we’re sincere
We will persevere
And the sky had never looked so blue