Submitted by Ek

"He sacrificed his life to save mine... after all I did..."

Write a story containing this line of speech.

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It was evening when Sarah Baker got that call from Carla about her son Kyle Baker

Sarah was sitting in a rocking chair facing the window looking at buildings

Sarah then picked up the phone hearing it buzz Sarah had seen the caller ID “Carla I didn’t heard from you since you and Kyle told me about that game what happened?” Sarah asked worried about the both of them

Carla barely standing in her and Kyle’s kitchen she was holding the phone to her ear her hand was shaking a lot when she was calling Mrs. Baker

Carla didn’t know how to talk she had started stuttering “Mrs...Baker Ky-Kyle i-is...” Carla said to her “Carla take a breath and tell me what happened to my son” Mrs. Baker had told her

Carla took a breath then told Mrs. Baker what happened “Kyle...he’s..he’s dead Mrs. Baker” Carla eyes then welled up with tears

Mrs. Baker had dropped her phone her eyes welled up with tears as well “Kyle...Kyle m-my ba-baby” Mrs. Baker cried out

Carla sat down on the kitchen floor “he sacri-sacrifice..his life to save me...after all I him”

Carla just sat there crying her cheeks were red her tears ran down her face she was breathing heavily she then looked up seeing the set of knives

“Don’t worry it’s gonna be alright okay Carla I love you” Kyle had said as his last words to her

“Kyle...” Carla had said as she looked at the knives her eyes widened “I’ll be with you again...”

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