You are on date, and your date has arranged to abseil down a building. You have a huge fear of heights, yet want to impress them.

Focus on your character's emotion and what completing the task could mean for them.


I love heights but abseil down a building? When did this dude even come up with this?

“It’ll be a memory”, he said.

“Don’t you think that’s a bit extreme?”, I asked him.

“I thought you loved heights?”

This dude is not teasing me right now….

“Yeah, but like roller coasters and hiking, not this!”

“It’s almost the same thing”

This guy lost his marbles.

“No way”

“I already bought the tickets”

“What? Why would you do that?”

“C’mon, Rachel. It’ll be fun”

“I seriously doubt that”

“Live a little”

What did this man just say to me!? I literally went with him on a shark dive last week! He must’ve seen the look on my face because his face changed.

“Alright fine, we could do something else,” he said.

“No. Let’s do it. But you have to promise me something.”


“You better marry me if we freaking survive,” I say. He smiled at me.


Based on a true story except that it was skydiving not abseiling a building. He proposed on one of those Las Vegas VIP helicopter flights. They are the most extreme adrenaline junkies I know. Shout out to my aunt and uncle.

Not my aunt’s real name. Don’t worry.

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