Legend of 5 - Main Locations

I don’t have names for the places yet, just placeholders (which I will use below). The characters get around the land of Besh by foot and one location to the next is generally a few days’ travel.

Wizardtown - the northeastern would-be capital city of the kingdom that never was. The castle now holds the wizard school. Barak starts his journey here.

Porttown - the west-coast port town where Paz and Lior meet in jail. Big and busy and noisy, with a super obnoxious gap between rich and poor. Our heroes break out of jail and so can never go back.

We hear about but never go to the fighting school Malka came from, and the walled city she grew up in. Both in the northwest of the continent.

The Forest - this purposefully has no name because Children of the Stars don’t see the point of naming places. This is the beautiful dense forest spread across the north of the continent, where Shiri and her people live, along with ogres and owlbears and other wild creatures.

Purimtown - the town the five heroes come together in, a bit south of the forest, arriving on erev Purim. The people here love their festivals! The Five start a tavern brawl and stop a murder here.

Ghosttown - a little further south on the road, a very very small town. The Five spend the night here while trying to figure out why they are being chased by ghosts.

Plaguetown - further south on the road, a larger city under quarantine for a terrible disease. Every public building converted into hospitals, too many empty houses and streets. Don’t worry, they find a cure.

I’m not sure if the Void counts as a location. But the Five don’t really get to the southern farmlands; all that’s there is emptiness. They flee north again.

Lior’s home village - a small eastern community in a river valley, all the houses on stilts with rope ladders to get up to them because of frequent flooding. Not far from wizardtown.

The Cave - where the Five find the Thing in the Pool that cursed Lior. In the rocky place to the far east of the continent. As soon as one person enters the cave, a boulder slams down behind them, an immovable door. The way forward is a dark downward tunnel, which gradually becomes lit by glowing crystal. The tunnel ends in a wide round cavern filled with a perfectly round pool of water. Look in the water, and your perfect reflection looks back up at you. And it smiles at you with too many teeth.

They return to Lior’s village, and wizardtown, and the Forest, and then head south again

Barak’s family farm - a simple two-story house, a barn, and a wide field. The simple life he left behind to chase big dreams. Not far from plaguetown.

They meet the Void again just south of plaguetown.

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