In a society where everyone has a carefully-matched arranged marriage, your character is the first person who wants to marry for love.
True Love?
At the age of 10, Sara knew who she would marry. She also already knew her profession. Housewife. What else. Her future husband was a successful businessman who would bring home all the money without any problems. And she didn't think that was a bad thing. Nobody did that. At the age of 10, everyone was assigned their future partner and profession in order to give everyone a fulfilling life. For Sara, this was perfectly normal.
Until she turned 19, when everything changed. The wedding was just a few weeks away and preparations were in full swing. But the visit to the gardener who would bring her the flowers changed everything. As soon as Sara looked at the gardener, she knew. Something was different. She felt feelings she had never felt before. A tingling in her stomach when she looked into his eyes. Her heart was beating fast when I briefly touched her hands. But how could that be? In a few weeks she would be married, she would marry her true love and lead a happy life. Or would she? The government was looking for true love for every single person, wasn't it? They
wanted the population to be happy, didn't they? Maybe they had made a mistake. Maybe she was the mistake. She had to forget these feelings.
At the age of 25, she finally knew. She wasn't the fault. It was the government. It was the system she lived in. The system that took away everyone's power to make decisions and to want things, to love. But Sara knew what she wanted now. She didn't want a full life if it was without true love. She didn't want a partner if it was perfect. She wanted love, strife and forgiveness, all in all. And she wanted it with him. Not her husband, but him. The man with whom she felt true love for the first time.