Deep Forest Fairy

The sun was beginning to set behind the thick canopy of trees, encasing the entryway of stone pillars in brilliant golden light. Ezrial stood in front of it, out of breath.

“It’s really here,” He gasped.

He had run for miles, desperate to reach this corner of the woods before night settled and beastly creatures scoured for dinner. Cautiously, he peers into the shadows of the foliage until he decides he hasn’t been stalked.

A faint whistle floats out from the entrance, pitchy yet fluid in nature. He clutches at the locket on his chest for comfort, and starts into a home of which he is unsure if he will be welcome. He walks for a short period of time before the faint yellow glow of lamps appear in the belly of the cavern. The whistling stops, and Ezrial’s heart drops in anticipation.

“I was wondering when you’d finally gather your nerves,” A gentle yet assertive voice sounds.

Ezrial squints into the dark, unable to find the source.

“I-I’m sorry to come unannounced, but I have something urgent to ask of you.” He speaks.

“Well, I’d imagine. I’ve heard your footsteps for the past few hundred yards. What is it, boy?”

This time the voice comes from behind him. Ezrial startles, whipping around to face what he assumes is a person, yet he is met with darkness.

“Well, it’s just... I was told you could help and...” He tries to continue, but his anxieties get the best of him. “I’m sorry, it’s just that I can’t see you and I’m really nervous right now.”

Gradually, the dim yellow glow increases in intensity, and a cozy living room is revealed. In front of Ezrial is a petite woman, about half his size and weight, and is shockingly adorned with dainty wings keeping her afloat in midair.

“Is this better? You’ve already disrupted my rest, so I ask that you kindly finish what you came here for.”

Ezrial is frozen in astonishment.

“You-“ He begins.

“Yes, we exist. Have you never ventured into the forest at night?” She scoffs.

“I thought fairies were, like, small.”He tries again.

Her face flashes cartoonishly red, and she clenches her fists in annoyance.

“I am not Tinkerbell! Say something stupid again and I will send you back to wherever you came from with no help whatsoever,” Her teeth grind together as she speaks.

Ezrial thinks she resembles Tinkerbell quite a lot in this moment, but he bites back his comment.

“I didn’t mean to upset you, I’m sorry. I was told something magical was in the woods but I didn’t expect... well, you. It’s just, my town has been ravaged by beasts and half of the buildings are destroyed. People are safe for now, but if I don’t get help soon...” He spaces out, tears filling his eyes.

‘Tinkerbell’ loosens her stance, suddenly sympathetic to his predicament.

“Why didn’t you start with that? Listen, I can’t do much by myself, but we can go employ some of my friends if you’re willing to,” She smiles kindly, yet she wears a hint of a smirk.

Ezrial perks up at the offer.

“Why wouldn’t I be willing?!” He exclaims.

“Well, it won’t be without its costs,” She smirks fully. “How does your soul sound?”

The color drains from his face. She cackles loudly, throwing her head back enthusiastically.

“I’m just joking, dear. We can discuss payment after the fact.” Her teeth flash in a wide smile. “Let’s go rescue your townspeople!”

He nods, casting aside her odd comment for now as he feels embarrassed. She grabs his wrist and lifts him too off the ground with minimal struggle. Together they fly out of the cavern, on a mission to save his town.

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