Write a story about a wild bachelorette party beginning in media res.
'In media res' refers to starting a story at the chronological middle of the plot. What elements will you need to incorporate to ensure the plot still makes sense?
Something Old, Something New
Hovering over a paper covered toilet seat, Quinn focused on peeing without touching any surface.
Bang! The ladies’ room door whacked open. Soured beer and hard rock from the dive bar flooded the restroom. Quinn stopped. She had a shy bladder.
“Like I was saying I feel sorry for her. I tried to cut her loose but I’m like her only friend. Pathetic, really. She begged to be my maid of honor, Domi.”
Quinn’s heart dropped. She would know that voice anywhere. It was Rae, the bride-to-be, and Quinn was her maid of honor. She slid down to her toilet papered throne.
“She’s such a nerd. But at least she got the stacks. That bridal shower at Hotel Davide was tight and VIP access with bottle service at Club 36,” Domi slurred. “I’m gonna be garbage tomorrow.”
Laughing, Rae went to pee in the stall next to Quinn. Domi laughed, suddenly vomited in the sink, and then returned to laughing.
“That’s one thing she’s good for but she’s always whining about paying for everything. Blah blah money’s tight blah blah I’m a student. This is my day, right,” Rae said stumbling back to the mirrors. “I even got her to chip in for the honeymoon.”
“Damn, Rae, you’re diabolical, a god damned queen. When I give the wedding toast that’s what I’m going to say. You are a girl boss. Hey do you have any breath mints?”
“Nah but I think Jimmy has peppermint schnapps behind the bar.”
Hiccuping, Dominant barfed again. Giggling the pair banged out of the restroom. Music swirled around Quinn’s head. She leaned her face against the bathroom stall wall. Things had never been easy with Rae. As kids, Rae could be mean. Quinn rubbed her left arm remembering the pinches that left bruises. As a teenager, Quinn learned to be as small as possible.
Quinn had thought they were getting a fresh start when Rae asked her to plan the wedding and be maid of honor. Crying and peeing, Quinn remembered how happy she’d been picking roses and hydrangeas with her big sister.
Quinn flushed. As she washed her hands Quinn examined her face on the dirty mirror. Hours and hours of planning, Rae’s wedding had taken over her life for six months. The little girl she had been glared back at her from the mirror. Quinn straightened her shoulders. She had work to do.