Write a poem or short story from the perspective of royalty, which focuses on a specific topic of your choice.

It could be real royalty or a fantasy world, but try to imagine how they would feel differently about your chosen theme due to their position.



The day after my wedding I arrived in the castle, it had been only the second time Alaric and I had met. He was charming I would give him that but, he was far from traditional. Instead of worrying about heirs he wanted to focus on our relationship. He is kind and I am lucky to have a kind companion, but I worry about hos backbone when it will come to raising an heir


I have failed to produce an heir so far, and yet Alaric has not raised a hand or even his voice. Mother informed me soon I would be deemed useless and he would find a consort to produce an heir. I shouldn't be upset by the fact as it is my own fault for not being able to give the king an heir. I have been hosting balls and parties so he will not replace me to prove my worth.


I am pregnant, for the kings sake I hope it is a boy. I feel I have earned my keep as queen and mother and father seem proud. Alaric keeps going on about how excited he is to have a mini version of one of us running around, which I find odd as most kings do not care about such things. I wonder where his priorities lie.


Our daughter was born today, for her sake I pray she does not make it through the winter. The king Is enthralled with her even though she is not a boy who can be an heir. Alaric says it doesn't matter and she will be queen one day, I think he is insane. The doctor told us I would not be able to have another child, as I had too many complications. Alaric has been taking Elora to meetings with him even when she cries he keeps her there.

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