A fairytale character is dropped into this world.
How do they react? What do they find most difficult?
Tinkerbell is cast out of Neverland.
For reasons she can’t even let cross her mind without turning red.
She flyed through the city, the pixie dust falling from her wings and sprinkling the cars driving below. Loud shouts and honks filled her ears, making her miss the old isolation of her home.
The air made her nauseous and her energy was draining away alongside her dust.
She needed to land. Soon. Or else she was going to collapse and get run over by a car.
Humans have developed since the last time she’s been here.
Everything was more colorful, yet so dull at the same time. Tinkerbell didn’t like it.
She searched the vast boxes below, searching for somewhere to stay. Anything at least appealing.
A bright speck of green caught her eye. An overgrown flower-box sat beneath a window in the maze. Tinkbell flew over to it, practically crash-landing into the dirt. She brushed the sticky soil off of her nicely sewed green dress. One she made herself back when she lived in Pixie Hollow. Before unimaginable things happened. At least she had Peter Pan, but now he was gone too.
She lifted leaves and walked through the weeds until she reached the cold, glass window. She peered inside, curious to what these humans kept inside nowadays. A loud, blaring noise came from inside. Humans arguing? She thought to herself.
No, there wasn’t anyone in there.
Tinkerbell tripped over her feet. She stumbled back as a large gust of wind pushed her into a weed. The window opened!
Before she could think twice, she sprinkled the last bit of Pixie-dust she had onto her wings and fluttered inside.
A human, a girl with double braids leaned out the window. Tinkerbell stared at her with wonder.
“Hello?” She said, immediately covering her mouth and regretting the decision.
“Who’s there?” The girl said. She spun around, her braids flying like little whips. Luckily, Tinkerbell was out of their reach.
Tinker sighed, now she’d have to talk to the girl.
“Can you see me?”
“See…” the girls eyes landed on her small, sparkly figure, “what?”
“I’m Tinkerbell.” Tinker said, offering her hand, then taking it back when remembering the size difference between the two.
“I’m… Shannon?”
“Nice to meet you.” Tinker said.
Shannon’s face was stunned, despite Tinker explaining her presence, which then followed with lots of questions.
Shannon was a kind girl, preparing a small bed for Tinker in her room, feeding her meals. Tinkerbell even met a small bee who somehow reached the windowsill. She and the bee stayed in Shannons company until Peter Pan arrived in the dark night, tapping on the window and tipping his head in a greeting. Tinkerbell couldn’t help but feel grateful he returned, despite her tendency to hold grudges for a record time.
With a wave goodbye, Shannon sent her off. Tinker looked back at the tiny figure at the window watching her fly away.
She’d come back someday.