Rins Guide To Success In The Outside

The outside world reeks of piss, stinks like wet cigarettes, and roasts me like a pork chop under the blistering sun. But on the bright side, there’s no more shower shivving — and whenever I pass out on the bus, I wake up with a few coins in my cap. Not bad.

Eden wasn't paradise, but at least I knew what to expect. That prison was my whole life up until now. I was born and raised alongside mom, Jane The Jawbreaker - her thing is swallowing cars whole. And people. Nice, right? They locked me up with her till they confirmed I wasnt an ability user. Eighteen years of that. Now I'm out. Finally.

…and I have no clue what to do.

I recently discovered some crap called money. I liked coins because they were fun to toss into fountains, but I actually need them to survive? Aunt Helen once told me, in the outside world you have to fight for what is yours. Yet when I tried getting the coins back from the fountain, a man in a blue uniform chased me out with a weapon.

Ah yes, men. I’ve come to learn that like money, they have their good and bad. On one hand, some of them leave coins in your hat. On the other hand though, sometimes they _take _your coins instead. If I had my mom, their necks would have been chomped of in seconds. They should consider themselfs lucky I’m going solo for now.

I dig through my pockets and pull out a handful of silver coins. Not _all_ of them are from the fountain. A good amount I earned by finding them scattered around the streets. I wonder if that makes me a pirate?

Living in a prison with a bunch of murderous women is surprisingly calmer that living out here. I have to find a safe place to sleep, make enough money for food (both for me and the fountain cats), and worry about all the crazy people that don’t need abilities to go berserk on someone.

The only people who seem to have it easy are the muscular men who scare off all threats with just a glance, and people with loads of money.

Now, I can’t exactly turn into a muscular man (to my dismay), so that only leaves me one option. Get filthy rich.

It shouldn’t be that hard. If I dig in the fountain every day, leave a few hats around the city, and save up my loose change, it’ll only take me a few years to become rich.

Perhaps money is the only power I even need to get my mom and friends out of prison. I can just pay for their freedom!

Success in the outside world really doesn’t seem too difficult.

Ah, now where did I leave my shoes?

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