Submitted by Krisha Modha
Write a letter to your friends and family, inviting them to your final farewell party.
Homage to Tommy Cooper
To all my friends and family, you are cordially invited to my shindig extravaganza.
The time, place and date are all irrelevant. I can hear you asking hundreds of questions, but please ease your concerns, for it will all become clear in due time. You know me well enough now to understand that my intentions are never clear from the offset and to expect the unexpected.
I assure you, if you are reading this invitation, I am very fond of you and appreciate the relationship we have, in whatever shape and form that may be. I may be brave enough to say I love you. So, it is with open arms that I welcome you to my gathering where no one is gathered, it is with an open heart that I share my words with you, personally, while sharing them with others, and it is with an open mind that I believe you will be as entertained as I during the festivities.
Within this invitation, there is a link that will only be active for five days from the moment you access it. The link is to a performance I wrote and acted out myself. I use the word performance ever so lightly, as the reality, which I'm sure you will be attentive enough to perceive, is rather different. I encourage you to raise a glass as often as I do and drink with me. I also entreat you to not record it, just enjoy it for what it is.
My only hope is that you enjoy the performance as much as I did and it brings our fondest times and experiences together to the forefront of your memory. Treasure those memories, savour the exquisite tastes of laughter, sadness, excitement and adventure. Find solace in the moments of boredom where idle noise filled the space between us. Please, never forget every second we might have spent side by side. But most importantly of all, I hope this invitation and subsequent performance bring a smile to your face, a tear to your eye, and a hangover tomorrow.
I love you,
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