Inspired by Sai

'It's better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all.'

Write a poem from the perspectives of two people, where one believes this saying and the other disagrees.

I Lost But I Loved

A knife on her fingertips She lays on the floor Believably sleeping Probably dead Next t o her was a letter Wishing me farewell It said”I love u at the end” No. If she did she couldn’t have done this The kids stare in horror as I weep Holding the very same knife i am tempted to do the same I loved her Now i lost her Was it worth it? All does nights all laughing and smiling All those wonderful emotions filling me up every time I say her? No It wasn’t Those feelings couldn’t compare to the feelings of despair i had now I dropped the knife There was no point I was already dead inside. It was time for the funeral Candles were lit But faces were dull I tried but failed miserably to keep a happy face But i could only feel the tears running down my cheeks He lived a good life I heard his mum say as she taps my shoulder It was true The owner of a company The greatest role model for his children I smile as I remember those memories Im grateful for them They were worth it while it lasted A memory too look back upon I suddenly felt the first glimpse of happiness i had felt ever since be passed.
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