Shadow and Blood

“Run! Amara watch out!” I tackle Amara from behind and use my body to soften the blow as we roll to the ground.

Ara’s shaking beneath me- she won’t be able to make it alone. In one swift motion, I scoop up her dainty body in my arms and start running again. I can’t let it catch us.

I can feel it’s looming presence like a shadow threatening to swallow me up. A dark figure reaches out and pulls on Amara. I hold on right, willing my legs to move faster. She lets out a small yelp as her hair is pulled by the monster running beside me.

“No!” I trip as a kick lands on my shin. I watch as the man in all black flies away with Amara. “Crap. No, no, no. This can’t be happening.” I’ve done too much for her to be hurt. My head erupts on a thousand different thoughts. At the back of my mind, I am acutely aware of a throbbing in

my palm. I look down and see a long thorn entrenched in my skin. It must have impaled me when I fell, taking the landing with my hands. Blood pools around the needle, dripping down onto the tarnished soil beneath me. I don’t even have the strength or will to pull it out. I collapse and mourn everything I’ve lost in such a short time.

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