Don't go outside

I decided to leave my coporate job because I wasn't making that much, little did I know that it was going to change my life for the worst. I packed all of my things and moved to Texas since that is where most of my family is. I was hesitant and hell I should have been more hesitant but I was in a rush and I wasn't going to look back. I drove 20 hours to my parents house and it was Exusting but it wasnt the first time I did this. When I got to my parents house I had a strange feeling that their was someone watching me from behind. I didn't think much of it because I drove 20 hours to here and I was sleepy. While I was scrolling on my phone because I was looking for a house up here and inflation is crazy like how am I going to pay for this. There was a sound comming from upstairs but my parents wasn't home and they had a cat so I suppose it was a cat. Did I investigate? Hell no, I am not a detective what I learned from horror movies is that don't investigate or your dead first. But I found a house that was a decent house and it only cost 65,000 and I could afford that. So I booked a appointment with the owner and let's just say he was sketchy and No, he is not the villian of the story. What I mean by sketchy is that he would try to ask for more money and tried to say "It was my grandmother house before she passed away". Like dude did I asked for your background story like you are not in an anime. I got the house but it needed some remodeling like the beds. I told my mom that I got a place and it's only 10 minutes away from here. But I had this feeling deep down that something is going to go wrong. Later that night I went to bed and I felt like I was getting watched or someone is hugging me, Did I look back? Nope! Because I was to sleepy to car and the bed was awful. When I woke up, I heard a knocking sound and it was my neighbor who lived 2 houses down and gave me a welcome home gift. I hooked it and said thankyou in a awkward voice cause I'm an introvert and now I work at home. Oh and the man I was talking about was, 6'1, dark hair and White skined, and black eyes. I'm Black but that was my ideal type but I didn't have a crush on him since we just met so yea. Another 15 years of staying single again. I get payed for testing video games and writting novels, and my monthly pay is 25k a month and the salary is 80k so not that bad and I never go out and I mean never go out. I always order groceries to my house. I just never go out because of what happened before. And I'm going to keep this very simple and not give you the whole detail but I almost got sexually assaulted but luckily I kicked him in the balls and choked him until he passed out and called the cops. So that's why I don't go out anymore. But I'm going to get a dog soon but I always wanted a husky so that's what I'm going to get. Should I get my neighbor number? Hell no, you don't know if he is an serial killer or a stalker. So, for the past few months I never went out side I always order stuff. I turned on the TV to watch anime cause I just like that, but the news popped up and said someone got killed in Texas and it was 10 miles away so I'm safe and then I flipped to another channel. I went to sleep again and someone was right in the bed with me so I thought it was my dog since I got him yesterday evening so I decided to cuddle her and it was a grown dog because the owners didnt want her since she is blind which is crazy to me since they are blind. But I cuddled with my dog but I couldnt feel her fur but I was probably rubbing her head so I just felled asleep. Oh and the person on the new who was pronounced dead was my ex and he was a, Toxic mother fucker who only cared about himself so that's karma. When I woke up I didn't see my dog on the bed so I went looking for her to give her some food. She was on the counched sleep again and I worked her up by moving my hand closer to her nose so that she won't be scared since she is blind. So I took her to wat her food. I don't walk my dog but I hire a dog walker to walk my dog for me so that I won't have to go outside. When they come backni make her some food and for the person who walked my dog for me and pay him. Someone knocked on my door and I didnt know who it was so I said "Who is it?". And it was the delivery man who dropped something to my house and said "it's from an unknown person." I opened it and what I saw was horrific. I saw my ex head in the box and yea. Who sucked twisted person would alsind me this?! So I packed all my things and I wasted no time from getting all my stuff and going outside with my dog and my neighbor asked me "Where are you going?". I said "Im going on a vacation for a little bit so I need to go". He waved goodbye.

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