The Icy Waters

Lisa crept into the icy cave as the temperature drastically dropped. She had hoped to seek warmth and comfort from it. All she had was a backpack with some food and water, a notebook, some clothes, a Polaroid, and a box of matches. Lisa made her way deeper and into the cave. It was practically pitch black as she navigated the narrowing path of the cave. Icicles dripped. Thick, sharp icicles were littered all across the cave as Lisa crept futher and further. Not a soul was inside. Then, suddenly, a beautiful river was making a frozen waterfall as Lisa turned the corner. It was glorious. Lisa navigated the frozen waterfall and made it to the other side. Then, she hears a faint ‘meow’. She ran and ran to find a small white cat with beautiful blue eyes behind an icicle cage. It seemed like the icicles froze behind the cat, trapping it inside. Lisa frantically pushed and pulled the icicles, breaking them and letting the cat free. She then named it Snowy for obvious reasons, placed her in her backpack and kept walking, hoping to find a warm spot and way out this icy cold and freezing blue cave.

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