I, Butterfly

Throughout my reign, the repeated warnings about the dangers of global warming has fallen on deaf ears. It is an issue my detractors insist is nothing more than governmental fabrication. However, the climate crisis we are now faced with has disrupted our cycle of life.

With agricultural necessities lessened, there’s barely enough to feed the selective diet of our young. The fossil fuels burned for manmade transportation has limited our ability to migrate. Our travel routes have been compromised. Like birds and retirees, our annual relocation to warmer temperatures in the south are a generational rite of passage.

The climactic results to this climatic disruption has been severe enough for some to take notice. Acknowledging an issue and doing something about it, though, are two very different things. I fear a meaningful change won’t take place until a greater degree of the populous is effected.

The hope for our future remains in the hands of the people who created this environmental debacle.

We are on the verge of extinction. The voluntary abdication of our place in the animal kingdom might serve as the necessary martyrdom to draw more attention to the issues that surround us.

An eradication of our species, like the dinosaurs once before, could bring greater focus to a subject that is often talked about but more frequently ignored. In time, perhaps, our absence will be missed. Perhaps someone in Hollywood will take up our cause and direct attention to our plight. A movie franchise could be produced about a themed destination filled with cloned butterflies entitled “Monarch Park”.

Fluttering aimless into the sunset of our existence, we soon will be reduced to nothing more than a societal footnote. The latest victim of convenience created by the plague of mankind. We are a minority in a world where the majority refuses to act.

If things don’t change soon, we won’t be the last. Civilization will continue down its fatalistic path of destructive finality. Future historians will document the world’s evolution by renaming the planet Human Park.

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