Submitted by Inspiration

Write a story that features a festival.

A scene could take place at a festival, it could be part of a conversation, or a smaller part of a story.

First Date

Mai was saddened.

She had worn her yukata, a traditional Japanese casual kimono made of cotton, perfect to wear to a traditional Japanese summer festival. Its pattern; her mother said the bright yellows of the sunflowers and the refreshing green colours of the bamboo forest suited Mai’s cheerful personality. Mai was hoping Kai would agree with her mother. Her crush had FINALY asked her if she wanted to go to the summer festival with him.

Do I?! Of course I do!!

Of course Mai would not be caught dead accepting with such words.

“Mhm. I suppose I could go with you if you want, since you asked me.”

Later, Mai had mentally kicked herself 1,000 times for not accepting by simply smiling and saying yes, of course. It was very hard for a 15 year old to be straight forward.

Kai had showed up dressed in his usual T shirt and jeans. One look at Mai and he muttered;

“Agh you’re wearing a yukata.”

Then he looked away as they walked side by side between the stalls that were set up selling food and festive toys.

He won’t even look at me.

Mai bit her lower lip as she also looked away from Kai, they were now each checking out the stalls on their own sides as they walked along the path.

Mai noticed some food she thought Kai might like and decided to ask if wanted to buy some.

“Hey Kai, do you wanna get one of those..?”

As Mai raised her eyes, she was startled to see Kai had been staring at her. Kai flinched and blushed, he appeared as if he was embarrassed being caught out. He quickly stammered;

“I.. I wasn’t staring..!!”


“But you look nice. The colours suit you.”

He was so staring!!!!

Mai smiled.

“Thank you.”

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