Abandoned House

Nils: “Lovely weather we’re having, isn’t it?”

G: “Yeah, yeah, it’s beautiful...”

(It’s raining heavily)

G: “Why are you even out here, Nils? It’s horrible!”

Nils: “What, do you not like the rain?”

G: “Oh, for the sake of my hair, Nils, can we PLEASE go in?”

Nils: “Nyeh he... Well, you can go in if you want, G.”

G: “Look at the state of my hair!”

*G grabs Nils by the wrist and pulls him into a house*

Nils: “Aww... You’re no fun...”

G: “J-just a minute!”

*G’s squeezing the water out of his wavy green hair*

Nils: “So... Where are we, anyway?”

G: “We’re back home and-!”

*G realises that they’ve somehow got into an unknown house*

G: “... Wait... T-THIS ISN’T OUR HOUSE!”

Nils: “I know, that’s why I was asking, G...”

(Nils has a look of complete and utter disappointment on his face)

G: “O-oh no... W-w-what if s-someone sees us in here?! W-what would they think of us?!”

*G starts to panic*


Nils: “Jeez, calm down, G. It’s not THAT bad! Look, if someone comes in, I’ll explain the situation to them, okay?”

G: “Oh, b-b-but they’ll want to know why we’re here in the first place!”

Nils: “Relax, G... I got this, old buddy...”

(G tries to stand still, his eyes full of tears and fears)

Nils: “Now, there should be a kitchen in here. I’m so thirsty, I could drink all of that rain out there.”

G: “Hah... Hah... W-well, I guess I am k-kinda hungry...”

Nils (in another room): “Oh, hey, I found the kitchen!”

G: “Er... C-coming!”

*G rushes into the kitchen*

G: “... Uh... Nils, would there even be any food in here? If this house is empty, there would be no reason to have food in here...”

Nils: “Ah, but I’m only interested in getting a drink...~”

G: “...” (G opens his mouth, but no words come out)

*Nils finds a tap and dunks his head upside down to drink out of it*

G: “O-oh my! That’s going a little bit over the top, don’t you think?”

Nils: “Mmmph!” *drinking water* “Hah... That’s much better!”

G: “Nils... Why do you never seem to be interested in food?”

Nils: “Nyeh, as if I COULD eat anything, G!” *leans over and points at his butt*

G: “U-ugh, N-Nils... That’s disgusting...”

Nils: “I can’t eat any food, G, there’s nowhere for it to come out!”

G: “So? I have an even smaller butt than you, Nils, yet I can still enjoy eating!”

Nils: “Why, what sorts of things do you like eating, G?”

G: “Mostly just bread and fruit. I don’t like meat, veg or cheese.”

Nils: “Uh... You a vegetarian or something?”

G: “No, I just have different tastes, but doesn’t everyone?”

Nils: “I’m well aware that everyone has different tastes, G! It’s just... It’s just that yours are downright bizarre!”

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