Submitted by Aria

She accepted the gift, feeling a swirl and mix of feelings inside of her.

Create a story, scene, or poem which contains this line.

D&M Story A Dance

Tonight is the dance. The dance I have waited my whole life to go to. It’s just a simple school thing.

And I’m not going. It was a easy choice. I could choose to face the facts that I won’t have Mom to help me get ready. Or I can stay home.

It won’t be as fun, but lately my life doesn’t seem to have any fun in it.

I lay back agaisnt my pillows as I open the front cover of a book. I’ve never read it before, well I have. Mom read to it me when I was little and couldn’t sleep.

I found it in her room. I don’t really understand why I went in. I just did.

Everything was just how she left it. Her bed was made, she always tucked her white blanket under the mattress, like at hotels.

Mail was spread across the middle of her bed. Mostly just ads and coupones. Mom loved looking though those things.

Covering all four walls were pictures of us. At the park when I was five. On my thriteenth birthday, when we went to Hawaii.

She always called it her wall of fame. For a while it was just pictures of the two of us. Then when Mom decided she wanted to explore photography it became us and nature.

And then there’s the book. The Fault in our stars. It was Mom’s favorite, the story she’d read over and over and over again.

The only thing I have left from her.

As I run my hand across the first page a small clank on my window makes me jump.

I shut the book as another rock flies up and smacks the window.

I climb off my bed and walk to the window. I peer out, it’s Davian.

He waves, motioing for me to come down.

Instead I just crack the window open.

“Hey!” I shout down to him. As I look closer I realize that he’s not wearing his normal t shirt and shorts. He’s wearing a tux.

I don’t mean to notice that it makes him look good. But I can’t help myself.

There’s something about how the black bow tie, and clean pressed suit make him seem even more perect.

“Get dressed!” Davian shouts up. “We’ve gotta dance to get to!”

I sigh, as I look down at the white window sill. “Davian.” I start. “I can’t go.”

Davian nods his head, “Yeah, you can Mase. You’re strong, funny . . . Beautiful.”

My eyes flicker to Davian’s as he finishes the word.

I don’t believe him. I’m not strong, funny? That depends on the person I guess. And beautiful? I think anyone who’s met me knows the answer to that.

I smile, as Davian smiles up at me. “It’s true.” He says.

I roll my eyes. Some times I actually feel like he can read my mind.

“Now, get dressed!” Davian waves his hand at me. “It’s starting soon!”

I leave the window, a small smile on my face as I look at the blue dress layed over my desk chair.

To be continued . . .

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