As a kid you won a lifetime supply of Oreos. Now that the apocalypse has happened and you still receive them no matter what, you are a target for bandits.
Write a story involving bandits trying to seize your supply of Oreos.
I trembled as I see the picture of me on the wanted list, I knew why It was there, I have a infinite supply of precious oreos. Food is the most valuable item in the apocalypse, every day an average of approximately ten million peoples dies from starvation according to an expert in my refuge. I am ignorant of who spoiled the information of me having infinite oreos, but I acknowledged that some bandits are already looking after me. Individuals would die for my foods, I couldn’t imagine what they would done if they successfully discovered my exact location, these bandits are monsters hidden under the skin of human.
My refuge though, were not just a weak prey, we are mostly armed with weapons. We are made of more than 200 refugees, land of two miles long and wide. It was single-handily built by me with my unlimited supply of foods, survivors were attracted and gathered by it. This huge advantage of food managed to allow us developed much faster than other. Desperate scavengers in need of food or refuge traded us for food, they gave us weapons, materials, and even people.
The pros of infinite oreos were all said, but the cons influenced us dramatically too. Hungry raiders had all tried to raid our food, other refuge was unwilling to help us out. Inside of our refuge, there was also people who wanted to know the secret of our food source, they would murder me in order to discover it. I’ve only told the one I have trust in about the secret of my identity and power, but it seems like someone betrayed me. My bounty raised once again, now everyone on earth knows that the leader of the most successful refuge is a kid, and that he can spawn infinite oreo.