A character from an old novel wakes up in your spare room. You must help them adjust by guiding them through 21st century life.
How will you help them to navigate this world?
I would have expected him to be awake by now. What’s taking him so long? Then I hear springs of the sofa cranking and squishing, someone throwing their weight around the sofa, he must be awake !
I grab the handle of the door firmly and start turning. Trying not to startle the our historical being. I could feel that the latch has parted ways with the hole, I slowly push the door open.
The historical being was already awake and sitting hunched forward in the sofa. His arms loose and hands settled lightly on his knees. Unblinking, his eyes scanning the room, looking at the unfamiliar surroundings were wide.
I entered the the room carefully, pacing my feet one after the other. He laid his eyes on me for the first time and he smiled wickedly.
“I know why I am here, what too you so long?”
“But we thouhgt....”
“ You are all fools, now where is my dataDict?”
“Before be begin, let me introduce myself”, I said.
“Intoductions later, I need a shower, shave and you better have my dataDict ready by the time I am finished”, he said.
He started to get up from the sofa and a short shrill cry came , “god damnit, how long I have been asleep?”
“ Too long apparently, it will be a different start this time”, I said. “Let me help you up and lets take a walk, it is going be a little different from last time”, I said with polite smile.
He looked at me for few seconds and he knew, this is not the same awakening. We both walked out slowly, with his one hand around my shoulder, his body still not fully awake, limping.
“ This is sole22, our latest colony in the galaxy.”
His lips parted and his mouth remained open for few seconds before he took a gulp.
„I would glad to go around with you”, he said.
“With pleasure”, I said.
A gentle smile crossed my face.