The Uninvited Guest

Knocking came from Giovanni's door. Giovanni wakes up and opens the door- it was one of the maids.

"Sir I advise you to get dress, your ride will be here in 15 minutes to take you to your ceremony party" The maid said.

"Alright I'll be ready". Giovanni was a young lady, in his 20s, dark long hair that went to his shoulders, and was a prince of the royal palace of a kingdom: north of Iraq.

Giovanni came out of his room and went towards the front, heading towards his ride.

The desert was about 2 hours away from the kingdom and Giovanni was already getting bored like he always does.

Finally, they arrived. Giovanni thanks the driver then head towards the patio area, that was filled with many people.

"There he is?!!?" A wondering fellow said from the crowd. Everyone started to applause as Giovanni got closer to the patio.

Three house have gone by; and well, Giovanni was already bored.

Until a large crash came from the other side of the patio. Someone has barged into the party: but who?

It was Hitman that have looked everywhere for Giovanni. As they targeted Giovanni, they started to run towards him, but they weren't prepared.

Giovanni was able to protect himself. The hit man decided to give up, but gave Giovanni a glare.

Everyone was still panicking, murmuring about what just happened, but not Giovanni.

"Master Giovanni, are you alright?" A woman said as they came to check on Giovanni.

"Yes, I am" Giovanni was lying... He wasn't okay, he wants to know answers, who sent these men to kill him, why him, who would want to kill him, is he safe in Iraq anymore. Questions filled his head, making it hurt.

Who knows who they were, why they were there, and why did they only come for Giovanni. Did these men really wanted to kill Giovanni, or was it a set up.

On the other side of Iraq, the hitmen were heading towards a building; it looks abandoned, old, and broken down. As they arrived they headed towards what it looks like a front door, and head's towards the highest level of the building.

"I was advised you didn't get him" A mysterious voice said as they stand in the darkness. A loud bang came from the darkness as the person slammed their hand down on the table. "WHY DID YOU GET HIM!!!" They yelled.

"W-We tried to sir, but he protected himself with what was around him" A man said in fear.

It was silent. "Get out, I must be alone to concentrate" They demanded.

"Prince Giovanni... You better watch your back" A sinister giggle came from the person. "I'll be waiting till the perfect moment to kill you."

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