Submitted by marlovely

Life in Your Hands

Write a poem or short story about if you were death and had to choose each day who must die.

Thoughts From The Reaper

Some days the sky seems so clear it almost looks as if the clouds are reflective, and I can see forever.

Others, the mirror is smudged and I can barely see past my nose.

Take it all in stride my dear; most of us are lucky to have the days we do.


I am the reason your days are numbered.

I end happiness, love, life. I break families apart and dash childhood dreams like water on a candle. I’m cruel. So cruel. Why do I do this? How can I stop? I can’t, Mother Nature and Father Time won’t let me. I keep going, keep going- losing myself as I pick people up. Stop. Please stop. Except for... no, no exceptions. Never any exceptions.


I try to do my best for those around me. I end sickness, and take away the pain of those suffering. I don’t discriminate, don’t hate, and am not malicious. Everyone goes. I always try to get the one with a bad record first, though that doesn’t always seem to work out. I give everyone as long as I can before... the inevitable.

I don’t do it by choice! It’s all truly, just numbers. Some of you just have more time than others, and I apologize profusely to those I can’t give more time to.

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