by Wyron A @ Unsplash

Your main character uses their position as a head chef to conceal a dark secret.
The Chefs Secret Ingredient
One day a manager hired a chef who said they could cook anything. This chef seemed like they were a sweet person who generally actually loved cooking not for the money, just fun. Is what they thought the case was,But it wasnt..After a couple days of this Mysterious chest working here they noticed a Hidious stench coming from the kitchen and it stunk then whole place leading to them not getting a a lot of people coming to eat there. They asked the chef what was the oder and they responded with, “ My secret ingredient well of course..” . They didnt believe this because well.. It smelt like rotten blood or so . They call the police and searched her and found that she had been hiding dead animals in her pocket with plastic bags.she was arested and she was never seen again.