Write a poem or short story about a new beginning.
You can write in any style or genre, but your theme should be a new beginning.
Begin Again.
Sometimes, we have to make a decision. This may be a hard decision, but perhaps it’s the easiest one that you’ve ever made; you have to choose to start again.
Beginnings can be petrifying, they can be tough and rough and unkind. A fresh start isn’t always something to look forward to, often they are dreaded.
But that’s the thing about moving on, starting again, retrying - you get to take the lessons that you learnt, you get to take them with you and hold them close.
You see, the thing is: you don’t have to forget. You don’t have to pretend that the past never happened. Just because you’ve started a new chapter, doesn’t mean you didn’t have to read the ones prior. You’ve just progressed.
Whenever you decide to begin again, to move on, to retry, you’re becoming a better, fresher, more resilient, kinder, more loving version of yourself, no matter how terrified and afraid that self may be. You get to be more patient with yourself and maybe even more successful. So, don’t wish away the past: love it, cherish it. Begin again.
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