Not Yet

A quiet tone played and her icon disappeared from the call. It was quiet.

Then anxiously Carla blurted, “What did you think of her? Would you be cool if she hangs out with us more?” When no one responded she began frantically filling the space, “I know she can seem like a bit much, but she’s really nice and-“

“Carla. I think I just met the happiest person in the world.” She looked towards the call floating on her screen.

Carla had known Nicole for years now. She’s seen every part of her, and hearing Noah say that almost hurt. The sound of her friends starting to talk and poke fun at each other ebbed into the background.

“Happiest person in the world...” she repeated to herself. Carla could remember the tears Nicole shed over her family situation, the lunches left unopened day after day, or the huge fake smile plastered on Nicole’s face.

Carla shook her head. ‘Not the happiest,’ she thought, ‘not yet.’

And to seal the silent promise she picked up her phone and typed out a quick goodnight to Nicole.

“Goodnight Nicky! Thanks for hanging out with us, you made my day!! See you tomorrow alright?”

She’ll start tomorrow, because Nicole deserves it... and it’s 11:54 pm and she’s going to fall asleep on her keyboard.

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