A red dot appears on your character’s chest. The Sniper has found them.

Continue the story. Focus on creating a suspenseful and ominous tone.

Singled Out

It was a strange thing, to be singled out in the middle of a bustling city. Sure enough, though, the red dot appeared on Micah's chest, proving that not even the crowds of people can provide the anonymity he was so desperate for. He just needed a half second to make his move. He needed a small opening to get himself out. Except it was hard to focus on anything other than the red dot on his chest and the hoards of people rushing into him and past him.

It was a mindfuck, that's for sure. Who in the crowd was working with the Sniper? Scanning faces for any sign of recognition was overwhelming when there were hundreds of them. Scanning buildings for any sign of where the Sniper may be was pointless when he was surrounded by skyscrapers as far as the eye can see.

It was supposed to be a quick job for some fast cash. This certainly wasn't of the job description. Even with rushed document signings and whispers behind closed doors, never in his wildest dream did he think this was was where he would be all these months later.

The worst part was Micah really thought he had him beat this time. He thought he had done enough to get a step ahead for long enough to disappear. The worst part was that Micah had gotten his hopes up.

But it was no use. The Sniper has found him and he feared he would never know peace again.

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