Submitted by amber35.xx

When you died you were meant to turn up at heaven’s gates, but instead you arrived at the gates of hell. You have to stay until things are set right, but you are starting to enjoy it in hell...

How I Was Made

Born youngest

Born free

A girl so curious

Her mind ran free

Born into a family

Both made from wealth and poverty

She started to wonder

If she could do more

So she began to read

Her mind filling in the blanks

That she could not see

As the seasons passed

She began to see

That not everyone

Is how they seem

Her family

A complicated dad

A sensitive mom

A brother, always mad

A sister, never coming home

And her

The happiest of them all

Surrounded by grief

And the stench of misery

The girl kept fighting

She wanted to see the world that she believed

She wanted to see that everything

Was as it was meant to be

She needed a light to follow

A guide in her hopeless nights

She went to school during the day

Wrote at night

A world

That only she

__ Could design She met others like her Only one stood out Her best friend Her other half The girl that she crowned A queen amongst mortals A goddess amongst men She had finally found Her light In the crowd

This girl Born free She ran from her cage And the family that was meant to be hers And she fell Into the arms Of the family That she had chosen

P. S. Your story is not written in ink, but in the choices you choose, and the smiles you do not hide

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