Write a poem on the theme of 'Lost and found'.
Lost Doll
Did you forget?
Tucked under a sweater
Not your favorite, but it used to be
In that box you never visit
In that corner you never think of
Covered in dust
and losing what lasts of me
You left me here
Did you forget?
Perhaps you had lost track of me back then?
Or had you been looking ever since?
Was I so replaceable?
Was I something not worth finding?
You would stay up all night looking for a pen
Not your favorite, but it used to be
Engraved _Ma Belle_
But you left me here
Did you forget?
We used to stay up for hours
And your eyes were always searching for me
And your voice was always calling for me
And I lived for those few treasured moments
When you grabbed the other dollies
And commanded me into domestic life
And spoke worlds into me
_"Time to play house!"_ and _"You play the Mommy!"_
Not your favorite, but I used to be
You left me here
Did you forget?
Or did you grow out of me?
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