Write a story about someone who works as a janitor for a company that hires superheroes.
Think about what kinds of messes might they be asked to clean up, or what they overhear as they do their job.
Everyone sees these superheroes in the spotlight. Shining examples in the community. Loving, caring and righteous. No one sees the misfits and wannabes. Whilst there are good eggs, there’s actually a lot more bad eggs. As I am tasked to clear the interview room, I pull the arm of a mental slot machine to predict what mess I have to clean up. When I signed up to be a janitor, I never expected to have to put out flames, capture bees, disarm wind-up bombs, gather pennies used as shrapnel. The list goes on and on and the weirdness of each cleanup always surprises me, especially when the crap they leave behind doesn’t match the kind of person I see leaving.
I know I make it sound like only potential candidates are making my life a living hell but those glowing angels in the eye of the media are just plain rude. They expect a certain level of care and consideration like a spoilt child. Whining that they saved the world so it excuses them when they don’t flush the toilet or unclog of it from their peculiar waste products. They leave their dishes out and say they have to run to save someone. Don’t get me started when they have parties.
That is why I need help here. Are you still looking for a job?