The person your character loves the most confesses to doing something terrible that could destroy multiple lives.

What do they do?


He’d always talk about how he was gonna make the world a better place. He said me and him would make a difference. We would take it on together and nothing would get in the way. He made a promise to be good. He lied.

He chose money over what is right. He chose money over me. He chose money over life. How long was he corrupted with greed, and why didn’t I see it? I never thought cash could wipe away a conscience.

He is not the man I loved. Innocent lives were destroyed so he could make away with a couple grand. If I hadn’t found out, how long would he of kept going? How long would he continue to choose power and riches over the goodness of his own heart?

When I confronted him, he apologized. He said that he was going to tell me. He cried, said that he would never do it again. I almost believed him, i almost thought he felt guilty. But how could I trust him now? I truly didn’t know what to do.

After careful thought and consideration, I decided that the only rational decision would to stop the corruption with him. And as much as it hurt to kill the man I loved, he wasn’t that man anymore. I don’t believe in violence, but I also don’t believe you can make the world a better place if corruption rots your core. He had to be taken care of, no more evil would spread, at least not from him.

It’s up to me to make the world a better place now… without him.

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