Inspired by an anonymous user
Write a story about a character trapped alone in a room with no doors or windows.
You could focus on how this situation occured, or the emotional response of the protagonist.
There Is No Escape
I don’t know how I got here. I don’t know why I’m here. I don’t know how to leave. There are no windows or doors. The last thing I remeber is arriving home from the office after a long day and lying in my bed. I woke up in this room to a strange person leaning over and looking me in the eyes. He was about three quarters of my height in an all-black outfit, he had a hood around his silver mask without any features, nothing but two holes carved out. I looked far past the holes and I saw two dark eyes staring into mine. My eyes were too strained to notice how he escaped the room. Now I have nothing. Nothing but thoughts. I stood up wearily and started to search the walls for an exit. Nothing. I searched the floors. Nothing. I simply sat there and waited for something to happen.
After hours of waiting, when all hope was lost. The man floated through the wall. I didn’t know what he wanted or why. His boney hand covered by a black glove reached for my arm.
He gripped tight and whispered into my ear, “Give up. You will never escape.”
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