
Tiny bipedal bugs scurry along the base of my vehicle. Their vibrant red shells a stark contrast to the white powder beneath them. I let out a thick heave of air and watch as the particles condense in front of me. Whatever planet I have landed on it is a cold and cruel one.

Taking a deep breath in I unhook myself from my seat and attempt to rise. The world is spinning around me as a great weight rips me down to the floor. Blue sticky blood pools around me as I gaze out my window wishing aid would come.

The bugs footsteps rustle all around my vehicle as their calls eco against my walls. I will be found soon. In a final life preserving effort I sit up with all my might, hook my limbs over the control panel, and haphazardly throw my palm onto the distress button. Warning alerts blast through my vehicle, but as I turn my head I realize it’s too late. The bugs are here.

Standing and staring at me with their cold eyes, eating vessels gaping. Probably excited to have me as their next meal. Their fingers twitch and their bodies shake. They can’t even contain themselves until I’ve died. Collapsing back onto the cool steel floor I give those vial creatures the most brutish glare I can muster.

My eyes begin to bat heavily open and closed. They are getting closer. Suddenly a bright white light flashes over me. It can’t be... my family... they found me. Gazing up at their ship slowly descending gives me hope, but it’s too late for me. A sharp pull rolls through my being as my soul departs the physical realm. Numbness takes hold and then bliss as I glide into the world of all that has come before.

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