Oppose. Decisive. Estuary.

Use these unrelated words in a story of less than 200 words. Consider the plot line you will follow to naturally and unobtrusively include these words.

The River “Life”

In many ways, life is like a river. In both, there are twists and turns. Like the dams of beavers and men there will be obstacles in life which oppose forward progress. Like the undertows and rapids of rivers, there may be times when life will feel tumultuous, but there will likely be peace on the other side, a lazy river of recovery. Rivers split into branches and streams and it is not always clear where they lead. Like life, rivers end, flowing into the estuary of infinity and the unknown. And so, like rivers, we must be decisive. Carving our own paths into the future. Through rock and dirt and strife we push forward. And we may get overwhelmed, our banks may not contain us and we flood. But we move forward.

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