Write a story that includes a character in an unconventional parenting role.

Think about what could make them unconventional; is it their behaviour, relationship, lifestyle, etc?

Don’t Tell Mum

“If you insist of doing something stupid at least tell me where you’re going.” Jace was sat in the swivel chair. His legs were up and crossed. He spun it around to face the twins as he spoke.

Wren and Talon halted their progress to the front door. Talon turned and addressed their big brother with the same smug ‘innocence’ Jace saw in the mirror.

“We’re just popping to the corner shop for some sweets, Jay,” he said. “You know what it’s like to study without snacks.”

Over Talon’s shoulder Jace saw Wren giving her twin a look that clearly said ‘are you an idiot? Or do you think he is?’

Jace looked from Wren to Talon and back again before standing and crossing the space between them in two short strides. He proceeded to flick them both on the forehead at the same time; he couldn’t risk one of them ducking away with pre-warning.

“Ow, what was that for you asshole?,” Talon said rubbing at the spot Jace had got him.

Jace raised his eyebrow. “That was for lying to me.” At Talon’s outraged expression Jace continued. “I’m not sure if you remember this Tee but I was the one who taught you how to lie and if I’m being honest,” here he paused and grinned at the blush spreading across his brothers checks, “you haven’t gotten much better at it.”

Wren started laughing. “He has a point Tal.” Talon turned to glare at her and Wren raised her hands as if in surrender. “You might be able to lie to others but not to him.”

Talon nodded; conceding the point. “So, what now?” he asked. He shuffled his feet as he waited for a response.

Jace smiled; this was a behaviour Talon had developed very early on in life and he apparently wasn’t going to be rid of it any time soon. “What now is, you either tell me where you’re going,” here the twins looked hopeful, “or I’m not letting you go.”

Both of their faces fell a little at this. Jace simply waited. Wren and Talon turned to one another and appeared to have a conversation without words. It was rather amusing to witness.

“Fine,” Talon said turning back round to face Jace. “We were planning on going down to the train station and tagging the spot were we lost mum.” When he finished he looked forlornly at his feet. Wren lent against his side and looked down as well.

Jace smiled sadly at them. “Make sure you don’t get caught ok?” The twins wore matching expressions of shock when their heads shot up. Jace chuckled. “And if things go tits up give me a call and I’ll be there to pick you up.”

“Are you-“ Talon started but couldn’t seem to get the words out.

“Are you sure?” Wren finished for him.

“I’m sure,” he said. “Now get.”

He couldn’t replace their mum. He was their brother and he did things a little differently.

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