By Tilak Baloni @Unsplash

Write a short story or scene about the character pictured above.
The mist settled upon the water, lighting flashed as if reaching from the heavens striking the lake, and then he appeared. A silhouett of a man standing on top of the water in the middle of the lake. He started walking gracefully towards us his menacing features becoming so much clearer, and I was afraid. Yes, I was very afraid.
There was a line that crossed his face, a burn mark. His eyes glowed like the lightening that had appeared before his arrival. His skin was gray and wrinkled outlined by his cloth hood that addorned his cloak. He was a man but seemed more like Frankenstein but with a grace to his walk. He walked with confidence. A man to be feared but also admired at the same time.
When he got closer a toothless smile crossed his face and he reached out his hand. He appeared to be greeting as men do. I admit I was afraid but I reached out towards him all the same, and that is when it happened. The lighting shot from his fingers into me. I felt the jolt like the energy recieved from the heavens above. My life flashed before me and I saw the past, present, and what could be my future. It was all glorious. I felt as if the power of god was pulsing through my body, and then he released me.
I dropped my head exhausted. I felt as though I had run a marathon, but the adrenaline was still there. I looked back up at him and that is when I heard his voice for the first time, but his lips didn’t move and nothing came from his lips.
“You are now one of us my friend. You have been given a great power and must use it wisely., “But what just happened, what power do I have?” “You now have the power of mortality and ability to control time itself. It is up to you to fix the wrongs.”
I couldn’t believe what I was being told, _Was I some kind of god now _I lthought to myself. A resounding no came to me. “If you misuse this power for your own gains you will be stripped of all that has been given to you and struck down.” He conveyed to me through telepathy. I nodded and understood that this power wasn’t a game, or to be used for my own gain, but to help humanity when needed.
The man then told me his name was Alexia and would help guide me through the ever changing phases of my new power, and when it was time I would pass it on to another. He then turned away and back out to the middle of the lake where two lightning flashes on both sdes of him crashed down and he was gone.