by Jakob Owens @ Unsplash

Your protagonist is a photographer, setting out on a project that is important to them. Tell their story.


Snap! Michel peered into his camera expectingly. This was the twentieth time he had tried to take the picture. His smile flickered, then vanished from his face, replaced by disgust. It still was not right. All around him was the hustle and bustle of the city, yet he didn’t even notice it’s frantic beauty. His eyes only lay on his craft, photography, and the cathedral that lay before him. Stains Paul’s Cathedral was a naturally stunning structure, one could not help, but admire it amazing architecture and delicate dome. Oh what wonder. At first Michel had agreed, as most would do, that this truly was a phenomenal work of the human craft and yet after many a glance at its charm he became immune to its greatness. Maybe his job prevented him from of seeing what truly was glory, he only wanted to capture its delight it one minute square, not to share, but to swap for money. What good would that do to him? He wanted to hold the memory in a photo, share the memory’s, sell the memory, instead of live in the moment. Surely this is not what opportunities are made for. Michel pondered this with great consideration. He tried to enlighten his self, rewire his mind to its beauty, but he couldn’t. Fromm then on he only saw to cathedral as a reference to his art.
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