On a Roll

“What are you working on today, Dr Mangalore?” asks Macy.

“Mace, I’ve told you before you can just call me Ravi. We have the same qualifications.” He adjusts his glasses.

“I know,” she laughs, “I just like being reminded.” With 4 phDs between them (engineering, mechanics and the like), Drs Mangalore and McCall are the best in the business. They’ve made several discoveries that have improved life on earth.

She looks out the floor-length window onto the street. Several workers are doing a maintenance check on the mag-field rails. Since the early 20th century, hovering with the use of electromagnetic fields has been the norm for transport. Before that, elaborate systems of wires and cords with seats dangling below (long distance ski-lifts, basically) or horses and sleighs if you were feeling fancy, were the most popular.

“I feel like we’ve missed something...” mutters McCall, mostly to herself.

“What do you mean? If there’s anyone who’d notice details it’s you and your eagle eyes,” he responds without even looking up from his desk.

“We’ve invented groundbreaking technology- some of the most complex systems and machines known to man- but I feel like we’ve ignored simpler creations.” She turns back to the window and watches an old man leading his equally old horse in the Sleigh Lane. Maybe this archaic scene will inspire an idea...

“Stop, it’s too early for philosophising,” Mangalore complains, “I haven’t even finished my cereal yet.” He crunches on another spoonful of colourful loops.

“I’ve told you not to eat at your desk!” she reprimands, and moves in to snatch his bowl of colourants and sugar. She knocks over the box.

“... and you say I’m the one that makes the mess...” he chuckles as she swears and bends down to clean the floor. They both watch, transfixed, as a single, blue loop rolls with ease across the carpet.

“I’ve got it!” They both exclaim.

McCall scurries to her station and begins doing calculations, too busy with this new discovery to bother with the sticky cereal stuck to her pants. Mangalore, who’s completely forgotten about his breakfast, begins to run simulations and print models. They smile at each other. They know this is going to change the world.

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