Path To Nowhere

„I hate you.“, I say with a dry voice. Why the hell did I follow him out here? This path could possibly be my end. And This isn‘t at all what I always imagined as my place to die.

„I know. But that doesn‘t matter.“, he says, a grin playing around his lips.

„What are you up to? Killing me? Right here?“, I take a step closer. Big mistake. I instantly smell his typical scent and goosebumbs start to raise up my arms.

„You know I could never hurt you, let alone kill you. What‘s going on?“, he lowers his voice and comes even closer, searching my face for something.

„Nothing. I just remembered, that we are just using the benefits of each other, right? Just colleagues. Nothing more.“, the sarcasm in my voice is unmistakeable. He leans back and sighs.

„You heard my discussion with Logan.“

„Yeah. But I know for a fact, that we are not just colleagues. I don‘t know what we are. But we‘re definetly _not just colleagues_!“, I nearly scream, but my voice dissapears in seconds in the misty area around us.

Suddenly his hands are on my arms that are wrapped around my body. It‘s damn cold outta here. He leans closer.

„I know. You‘re not a simple colleague. How could you be?“, he leans in to kiss me, but I step back.

„No. You can‘t just let your damned lips clear things between us. You need to talk. Talk to me, please.“

He sighs, again.

„Listen, I couldn‘t step into the risk, that the others would recognize what we are, I need them all to concentrate on their highest level.“

„But Logan already knows.“

„And Logan can‘t shut his damn mouth. Of he knows, the others, would know in tenths.“

„Good point. But still. I don‘t want to hide.“

„Then don‘t. If you trust us, then I trust us.“

„You‘re an asshole, y‘know?“

„Yeah, why?“

„‘cause you always give the hard choises to me.“

„Thought you liked choises.“

„I do, but not when I can do them just because you don‘t think their important.“

„This choise is important … you are important.“

I grin.

„Okay, we talked. Permission to kiss you now?“


And his mouth meets mine with a firework exploding inside my body. How could I care about the fog rising up around us, or the dump noises coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same time, when this lips where so good to me?

„They _kiss_!“, Sally whisper-screams.

„Sshhh!“, I snap, I don‘t want them to notice us. But I can‘t stop the smile spreading across my face.

Suddenly I hear a scream. My head turns from Sally to Taylor and Nathan, but they‘re gone. It‘s like they were never there. Only the misty fog and whispering noises remain.

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