The person your character loves the most confesses to doing something terrible that could destroy multiple lives.

What do they do?

The Note

As Meredith sat at the dinning room table, her husband walked through the open doorway. He set down his work tools by the table, and sat next to his wife. He rummaged through his work bag, and pulled out a folded sheet of paper.

“So John met with me during lunch break,” Her husband paused and looked down at his hands. “He gave me this, and said that if anything were to happen to him, I would have to bring this to the police.” He slid the note across the table to her, and she noticed his hands were trembling as he pulled them away slowly.

As she grabbed the note that was just handed to her, her husband walked away into the kitchen area. Before reading this suspicious note, she waited for her husband to return. She heard him rummage through the fridge, and she thought to herself he must be grabbing a beer. When her husbands footsteps trailed away she assumed he wasn’t returning, and slowly unfolded the piece of paper.

The note was written on a lined yellow paper, the ones that get ripped out of the larger pads. She recognized the paper, as all the men uses these notepads for work. She looked at the words displayed, ‘This wasn’t an accidental, look into my death. I don’t trust anybody, not even my wife’. It was closed off with his name, and Meredith didn’t know what it meant.

Meredith could hear the shower running in the upstairs bathroom, so she headed down to the basement to flip the laundry. As she descended the basement stairs, she could hear the dryer timer chime going off. She pulled down the folded shelf she had installed, and pulled all the laundry out onto it.

While folding, Meredith thought to herself about the note and her husband’s weird behavior. As she tumbled through her thoughts, she thought about John’s wife Alice. She was such a sweet girl when they met her, and she continued to show this at all of the work dinners the employees held to bond their group better. Her husband worked at a car dealership, and everyone was like family there.

While tranced into folding the clothes, Meredith couldn’t hear her husband calling for her. He opened the stairway door and leaned his head in, He saw the light down in the laundry room and called for her again.

Meredith was shocked out of her focus, and peered around the laundry room doorway to see her husband standing at the top of the steps. He nodded his head motioning her to come upstairs, and she called up that she would be finished soon. Meredith’s husband loved to cook, so once he had finished his shower she assumed he must have started dinner for them. She turned back to the laundry when her husband acknowledged her response and walked away from the stairway.

She finished folding the last pair of pants to the load, and laid the folded clothes into a basket to carry upstairs. As she ascended the stairs, their pet cat started meowing and was sat at the top of the stairway. Meredith knew it was also their precious pet’s time for dinner, so she sat the folded clothes basket in the hallway to attend to the cat’s needs. She filled the food bowl, and returned to walk down the hallway to grab the basket.

As she passed the dining room, she saw her husband had dinner laid out and he was already eating to the news on the television. He normally would wait for her, but she shrugged it off and brought the basket to their bedroom closet. She set it down information of the door, and she sat onto the bed deciding if she wanted to put them away right then.

Meredith felt bad her husband was already eating , so she decided to do it later and join her husband for dinner. As she descended the hallway walking up to the dinning room door, there was something cutting the normal program for breaking news. Sitting at the chair placed with her plate of food, she continued to watch was was being explained on the television.

‘Breaking News: John Smith found dead by the 4th street railroad tracks’

Meredith dropped her fork in her hand, and as it clatter to her plate she let out a loud audible gasp. She turned her head towards the note still left unfolded on the table.

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