Submitted by CyanneWrites
In a kingdom beyond the valley, a ball is held every year where a guest will be killed off at the stroke of midnight as a way to keep the spirits that haunt the castle at bay.
The protagonist may be anyone of your choosing, but they must hold a key significance to the main conflict.
It could be anyone. That’s all I know as I step into the golden room filled with dazzling people and ornate decor. The sound of music instantly fills my ears and I can’t help but think about what this night could mean. It could be any one of us.
I see my friends, The Ladies of the West Court. I see the Lords of the High Castle all chatting in rows. The King and his wife lounge in their seats as their children run in front of them.
I don’t fit in here. That’s the problem. I was a liar and a thief.
I’d come to the West Court to steal the Crown of Iris three months ago, but the only way to do that was to go under cover. I’d become a Lady of the West Court with ease. It wasn’t hard. The women like gossip and law. They pride themselves on being the best and most intelligent of the Four Courts.
Lady Rosetta was the Head Lady. She cared for each and every one of us. I became her favorite fast. I was quiet and knew how to blend in. I was like her assistant and I took pride in it.
“Lady Circe!” Lady Bree called out to me.
I turned to face her as she walked over to me. “Lady Bree,” I replied, “how are you?”
“Fine. Fine. I can’t believe we got invited to the Midnight Ball. The King always has a reason to throw these. Do you think the reason is that there is a traitor?”
I went rigid. ‘Of course,’ I thought, ‘It’s me. I’m going to die at midnight.’
“Maybe.” I responded. “We shouldn’t try to understand the king’s reasoning until midnight.”
“You’re right. We ladies have to stay quiet. There is always an opportunity to pick up some gossip on the way.”
I nodded. ‘Stay hidden.’
Lady Bree left and suddenly a hand was on my shoulder. I startled and looked at who it was. A tall man stood next to me. He had dark brown eyes that pierced the soul, a muscular frame, midnight black hair, and dark skin. He was smiling at me, but I froze, unable to move.
“Lady Circe,” he said, “it’s a pleasure to meet you. I am Lord Duke from the Lords of the High Castle.” A Lord.
I smiled. “Oh, good evening, Lord Duke. It truly is a pleasure.”
He shook my hand. His grip was firm and string. He looked into my eyes with the intensity of a million fires.
“Lord Duke,” a man approached them. My breath caught in my throat. “Lord William wants to speak to you in person.”
“Lord Eros, I will go.” Lord Duke kissed my hand and left.
Lord Eros stood next to me. “Having fun?” He asked me.
“What do you want, Eros?” I hissed at him.
“When I asked you to steal the Crown of Iris, I expected results. Yet, here you are, at the Midnight Ball, the place where you could get killed and I could lose my crown.”
I tried to act normal, but I knew I was in trouble. “I’m working on it.”
“Oh Circe, not today.”
I tried to walk away, but Eros grabbed my arm. “The king is waiting for you.”
Then the clock strikes midnight.