Submitted by 𝙰.𝙴. 𝙲𝚎𝚙𝚑𝚊𝚜

'The sun grew weary of seeing men squander its light'

Use this sentence in a poem or short story. What themes could you explore with this idea?


Morning sun has just shown itself

Windows let the rays shine through

People getting ready for daily chores

Rejoice the sun has shown itself

Rays shining as if knocking at door

Get up get up you will loose me soon

I have come to brighten your day

Rejoice me the sun has shown itself

Leaves, trees, grass, all natures lot

Witnessing a moment of miracle

All have bowed to the sun singing

Rejoice the sun has shown itself

But the ones who miss the moment

Sun to say, I'm weary of seeing men squander my light, everyone say out loud, Rejoice the sun has shown itself

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