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Write a story or poem using the image above as inspiration.

Oh No, He’s Awoken One of the Elder Gods!

After chanting the ritual described in the cluttered pages of the grimoire, I began to relies the creature I have summoned. The trees rattle like twigs in mud, and the earth shutters a ghostly shriek.

Running to my mom’s car, I power it on. The reliable, white Honda Civic sputters to life, and I leave the area. Behind me, I see a shadow eclipse the moon, It’s outline raises above even the tree line.

“Don’t look at it. Don’t look at it. Don’t look at it,” I repeat to myself. I’ve read cosmic horrors like these can drive a person to insanity. Good thing I googled it!

Speedily, my mom’s car ran along the country road, and I knew I would be on the news in this morning.

‘Local monster hunter proves eldritch horrors exist!’ I could imagine the titles and coverage now. Channel 9 is going to be all over this, and Mom will be so proud!

Now I just need to figure out one little detail: How do I pacify an angry and evil elder god?

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