A person unexpectedly falls in love with their best friend.

How will they navigate this newfound feeling and the impact it may have on their friendship?

T4T Love In College (and For Years B4)

The sun was setting as I walked with Jeremy down the street to my apartment. The street was packed with cars, as it always was, and you could hear honks and music through peoples windows. It was warm out, with a nice cool breeze. The sunset was beautiful, and I took a second be grateful of living in Southern California.

“So, when are you going?” Jeremy asked, stealing my attention from our surroundings.

“Oh, uhh, about 2 weeks.”

He nodded his head once slowly in response, and stayed quiet. I looks at him as we kept walking. 2 weeks and I’d be gone to college in Seattle. 2 weeks and I’d be farther from Jeremy than I ever have been before. The thought terrified me, and the thought of college excited me. Photography gives me a high in life I’d never really found anywhere else. Maybe with Jeremy.

“I’m gonna miss you, you know.” He finally said.

“I’m gonna miss you too.” I responded, as we reached the sidewalk outside my apartment.

Jeremy smiled the funny, beautiful smile that’s been burned in my mind my whole life. He reached forward and tucks a piece of my cropped hair behind my ear. He stared into my eyes, green and freckles with pieces of brown like the lakes and rocks we would visit in the summer when we were 10. I stared back and thought about how every happy memory I could remember, he was there. And how I couldn’t stand to be apart from him for even 2 weeks when he had gotten strep throat. I thought about how absolutely stupid it was of me to think I could pick up and leave without him.

“I don’t want to be away from you.” I said, and as I said it, I knew it wasn’t what I really wanted to say.

“I don’t want to be away from you either.”

His eyes became watery, making the green in his eyes glow like sun shining through trees in a forest. I glanced down at his lips, they were a pastel pink but brighter in the sunset. There were a few hairs on his chin from his testosterone her started last year. I was so jealous when he grew them, even though I had started it a month before him. I remember when his voice dropped too, and while I was still jealous, I remember how my face would heat up as I got used to him talk with it at first.

“What are you looking at?”

My eyes snapped back to his, and then away fast. I felt my cheeks grow red. I was totally staring at his lips and thinking about how in love with him I am. Fuck I’m in love with him.

“If you wanted to kiss me you just had to ask,”

I looked back to him, seeing him smile again. God I did want him to kiss me. Then all of a sudden, I leaned in. He took the hint and leaned in too, and our lips met in the middle.

Our mouths meshed together in a way I didn’t think was possible. Somehow every second it was better, and I never wanted it to end.

Then a car honked and we broke apart, looking to the road. The car drove past, as it was only honking at traffic. We looked back to each other and couldn’t help but laugh.

Jeremy walked my all the way to my door, and I thought he would walk away. But instead he grabbed my by the lapels of my coat and pulled me in to kiss him again. This time just as amazing but even steamier. He ruffled my hair after he pulled away, smiling at me.

I let out a small squeal after the door was closed behind me, and stared at myself in the mirror across from my door. I was a flustered mess. Whatever happened next I knew one thing. I was in love with Jeremy and I didn’t want to be away from him.

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