Finding Relief

Unbearable pain in my stomach takes hold of me as an empty bottle of pills sits hauntingly on my nightstand. I don’t think I can take this much longer. Then darkness, peace, relief. A sense of calm washes over me as I feel the emotionally charged air envelope me in a warm embrace. My ears are filled with a continuous low whooshing sound, a noise that is surprisingly comforting. A voice echos around me, coming from nowhere and everywhere at the same time. “Everything is going to be okay”. Tunnel vision sets in and a radiant glow pulsates in the distance. I can hear a muffled conversation as I move closer to the light, my senses exploding. A feeling of love and being loved fills me as I come face to face with an aura of a welcoming being. The glow becomes stronger: first skimming the outline of my body, and then finally melting into it. A warm feeling moves down through my head, into my chest, and through my limbs as my heart center vibrates to capacity. I feel myself rising, and as I do the light fades and the darkness closes in. Stillness. Presence. Relief.

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