When I’m Grown Up

Dear diary,

Today was our first day in year 2. We got to meet our new teacher, Ms Miller. She is really nice and very kind. My legs ached so bad after getting to the classroom. Our new classroom is on the SECOND FLOOR! When lessons started, she introduced herself and got us to sit in a circle on the carpet and I of course sat next to my best friend Isla. Then we went around the circle saying a fun fact about each of us. After that, she let us choose our new seats and started handing out some worksheets. We had to write about our dream job and then draw a picture in the box. I made mine very pretty, and I’m not lying because mum said so. When I’m a grown up, I’m going to be a princess, of course.

I will have a beautiful golden crown with a unicorn on it and I’ll were a perfect flowery pink dress, but not the poofy ones like Cinderella’s because they aren’t comfy. I want one of those long, soft ones like Snow White. Uncle Roger knows I love princesses so he got me a magical fairy wand which was very silly because EVERYONE knows that princesses don’t have wands. I will be a princess like Merida, with a bow and arrow. I will win all of the archery competitions and give my money to the people who need it. Or maybe I be like Mulan, and defend my family from evil forces. Or maybe I’ll stop wars instead, like Poncohotas. I could travel the world like Moana! I might even get magical powers like Elsa! But even without them I can still be a good princess like Anna! I know in the end I will find something for me to do like Tiana. I just don’t know yet.

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