Phase Out! (and don’t forget the Choo’s)

Over the years I’ve accomplished many things.

Wild successes, and bucking dreams that were harnessed not without your support.

So it’s only fair I ask you to join me as I lay to rest an era💐

A period known for my greatest adventures, where many of you were there dancing along side me.

But shenanigans and tomfoolery’s aside no adventure will ever compare to that of true love, and so sacrifices were made and compromises had.

Friends and family (the two sisters this got sent to) today I ask you to join me for a Sayonara Saturday to farewell a true soldier.

A soldier who played the long game, a hard game. We’ll be having one last go round, an EPIC bachelorette party so get ready and see y’all at

Phase Out

“The end of my hoe phase”

Crying in the club,



Princess Palace 🏰


10:30 pm SHARP 👏🏾


Icon core 🤩👠


byow, money, collagen, Jimmy Choo’s, Sapphires, pearls.

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