Box Of Chocolates

She wants to know his secret. He hasn’t decided what it is yet.

"Everyone has a secret. And in this game, we have to tell each other the secret.

That’s what she said, anyway.

Problem is Greg didn’t have one. At least, he did, but it wasn’t a secret anymore.

"I peed in my mums closet," started Bethany.

"I shoplifted from Sephora,” confessed Ava.

"I took twenty dollars from the swear jar,” admitted Rich.

Then it went on and on. Around the circle. Until it was his turn.

"Come on, _Greg," _pressed Mallory.

"Yeah, man. Or you eat the moldy chocolates!!”


"Make him do it!” they chanted.

“DO IT, DO IT!!”

"Um…” I started.

"Yessss…?” the others hounded.

"You probably all know this but yesterday I was caught dumpster diving and throwing food at passerby’s by my diving coach and I will never ever go diving ever again and plus I have detention for a week for throwing a rotten banana at Coach Eissel’s face,” I blurted out. Face red, panting from the speed of saying this.

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