Submitted by yashika
You live in a world where whenever someone dies, they say a sentence about the future. For the past two months, the last words of all the dead have been “The ducks are coming.”
Write a story titled "The Duck-ocalypse" based on the prompt.
The Duck-ocalypse
The sentence has haunted me for two months. The ducks are coming. What does it mean? WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!?! Are those feathery ball of pure wrath with bills finally going to attack? Or is it something else? I sigh and and sit back. And as I gaze out my window, I see them on the horizon. Bills, beady eyes, feathers, and worst of all, supersized. The ducks are coming alright. Now if only they had said they’d be as big as a damn house.
I stumble up, grabbing my bag and running out of my room. “DUCK’S ARE HERE AND THEY’RE BIG AS HELL!!!!” I scream as I run through my apartment complex. People are bolting outside and running away, just like me. But then, I hear the building creak. And then the roof starts to crumble. “The ducks are here....” I whisper. The roof collapses. My last sight is of a giant yellow foot coming through the roof and dry wall falling around me.