Submitted by Isabelle Rose

Write a story where the main character is dying, and nobody knows but them.

Silent Treatment

The mission was a success. I am elated, overflowing with joy, because this could have gone wrong in so many different ways it may as well have been impossible. However, there is a problem. I am alone in this silence, and confide in you in confidence - I will not be here for much longer. Treatments are failing, and soon my illness will consume me. I am not sure how much longer I can put on this show for my people, but I will go on for as long as I can. It is hard - especially when I feel the absence of medication - but I cannot bear to feel the weight of the guilt of my friends, family and loved ones if they were to know what is going on right in front of them. So I will bear this silence until I am gone, and I will spend the rest of my time doing what I can to help; the most dangerous of tasks possible. What’s left for me to lose?

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